Board of Directors

The Board of Directors consists of parents or community members, most of which have children who attend the preschool, who are elected to the 13 positions described in Article II Section 2 of the by-laws. Duties of the respective board positions are described in Article lll of the by-laws. The Directors and teachers are responsible for governing the ongoing, day-to-day activities and curriculum of the school. In conjunction with the director(s)/teacher(s), the board has the responsibility of finances, maintenance, publicity, future planning, advertising, and fundraising. The board has the power to make all final decisions on business matters, except where assigned to all parents by the by-laws or the Articles of Incorporation. However, input from all parents is highly valued. Regular board meetings are held monthly, with the date and time established by each new board. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend all board meetings and can request a place on the agenda. Agendas will be posted at the preschool a minimum of 7 days prior to board meetings.